Monday 10 December 2012

tips tips tips

Assalamualaikum Dr.Rose and fellow classmates. Hope every one in a good shape yeah J

Lately, online shopping has been in line with the market. Unfortunately, this kind of shopping can sometimes cause you hassle in the form of delayed delivery of goods, the quality of goods that do not match the description on the website and so on so forth. Therefore, here are the tips to online shopping! J

- make sure to shop around. There might be another great deal somewhere else
- make sure you know the trader’s full details. Those details can be used as backup information if you need to lodge a fraud report
- look for websites that provide secure payment- a padlock icon will be shown on the screen while you are filling in the payment details
- double-check whether the company has a privacy statement that tells you what they will do with your personal information
- protect your privacy. Do not simply disclose your personal details

Extra tips to avoid from becoming an impulsive buyer
- be aware of how much money you spend
- think twice before making a purchase
- set your objectives each time you go for online shopping

That’s all for now. So, happy online shopping guys! Toddles.


  1. I don't frequently shop online but based on my previous experiences, I must say it was kinda satisfying :)

    I'd like to share the thing that I always do before shopping online, I'd try to check on the number of customers and the comments and I always ask around as well, my friends and my sisters. Great post!

  2. sometimes some online stuffs already on market near to us. so before we jump to online shopping, let's go scouting first. unless the stuff is quite far from us to reach, then online shopping the option. be smart! :)

  3. I agree with Ajirah, that we should look out for the product if its already available near us. I personally buy stuff online when I can't find it locally or nearest to me. Great post, I'll be sure to use your tips...

  4. Yeah...from my experience, try scroll IIUM online first. I've done it and lucky me, I even got student price and the delivery was free. Just post whatever stuff you want, you name it, its all there somewhere in IIUM online. Believe me, people will respond and give you the info. Happy scrolling guys.


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