Wednesday 5 December 2012

Miniature artificial fun foods?

The Japanese are a weird bunch of people. They usually come with the craziest and coolest things.

I don't know if you guys have heard of this but it been around for a long time now. Its "Popin' Cookin"

Popin' Cookin' is instant food, I mean it come in packet of mixes and you just add water; then it'll form into the food that you have purchased.

Its kinda a fun way for you to play around with your food with no mess or hassle and still eat it. It feels like soft play dough, comes in a variety of flavours and textures.

The coolest part is that in the package it comes complete with applicators, measuring tools and even plates for you to serve your food.

This is a cool picture of how they made the salmon eggs for the sushi set.

It so cool! I've actually thought of purchasing this on ebay but it was way expensive compared to how practical it is in real life. But i'll still be cool to try it out, though.

There are tons of people making videos of how they assemble these; here are a few.

This is the sushi making.

This is the bento making.

This is the ice cream making.

Alright, I hope you find this informative^^

Leave your comments done, below.


  1. soo cute! ...perhaps you can try to turn it into bussiness. i bet many IIUM students would love it..

    1. They would, but its really expensive like RM 40 per box on ebay. Maybe not, i guess...

  2. errr...
    it makes me think more than 10 times before eating!

    1. Its not that repulsive actually, alot of people say it taste like soft candy, like cotton candy when you squish it tightly. I hope this makes sense...

  3. it's like play-doh but the difference is it is edible...I should get one for my 5 years old sister..but the price is...T_______T (sorry sister)^^

  4. this thing is soooooo cute! and i think if i buy this i wont be able to eat it because of the cuteness^^


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