Sunday 16 December 2012

Listen to Cool stuff: Podcast's (Psst: free download...)

Salam friends and madam,

Alright, I think everyone knows that I have a thing for streaming music or any audio related stuff. 

Last time I talked about 8tracks and know I'm going to talk about Radiolab (podcast's). 

I know podcast aren't a new thing but I think people don't listen to them anymore...  I remembered when Youtube wasn't around yet, podcast was at its height! I mean my older brother would listen to podcast like it was a calling everyday, well at the time; early year 2000 like that.

Well, I present to you Radiolab.

Basically you can choose an array of topics they have and listen to them.

To me its cool and will forever be cool because your listening to knowledge, kind of like lectures and the best part is you can turn it off when you want to. I mean where else would you listen to an in-depth conversation about quantum physics in our daily life? (I like physics^^)

Oh, yeah. You can even download them.

Plus it makes driving seem way more faster, like someones there talking to you (about knowledge and not what a terrible day they had) *cringe*.

The titles are all fascinating, the kind of topics that you'll rarely ever get the chance to talk about.

This is one my favorites:

It talks about repeated sequences in our life like the patterns that we tend to go in over and over again...

They also have a Radiolab blogs; this is a topic we English teachers can relate to:

Some radiolab blogs have some podcast attached to them while some don't. The above doesn't have any.

*Plus, you don't need to sign up at all unless you want to. If you sign up you'll get update on new podcast and you get to select more topics. Then, just listen when you want to.

Sign up, you've got nothing to lose, even better you get knowledge. As usual follow the instruction and your good to go.

Give it a go, whenever you have the time to spend and the stable internet connection.

Disclaimer: When you first start listening the first few seconds would be about sponsors and stuff... Wait a while and let the knowledge begin...

That's all from me, hope you all learned something from this post.

Leave your comments down below ^^

1 comment:

  1. Hi Farah,

    wow I love this! one of the best ways to discover new things :) and yep when you mentioned about podcast, then I remembered how time flies and how it's fading away.. but dear podcast, you're not forgotten.. :)


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