Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Identify the unidentified

Assalamualaikum :)

While browsing through Telegraph, there was this one article that attracted me. It's about the publishing of images of the body parts of unidentified or unclaimed deceased online. Those images will be uploaded on a new UK government's website that will be launched soon. 

The purpose of doing this is to help people to recognise or identify missing family members, relatives, or friends. By looking up to the images online, they may identify some of the body features that might belong to their loved ones. This will help in solving the mystery of missing persons and clearing the unclaimed dead bodies record hold by the The Missing Persons Bureau UK. Public can deliver any information they have online.

Below is the example of images that will posted on the website: 

This, for me is a great approach from the this crime agency and will give a huge impact on forensic world.  

1 comment:

  1. wow.. this really helps in reducing corpses at the morgue. somehow it's heart breaking when we have to look up our friends and beloved here.


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