Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Galileo Thermometer

Assalamualaikum dear Mdm. Rose and my friends.

Does anyone knows what this is??

This is a Galileo Thermometer. This is a thermometer invented by Galileo Galilei in the 1600s. As you can see from the picture, it is a sealed glass cylinder containing fluids. In the cylinder, there are a few floating bubbles. These bubbles actually have metal tag attached to them which indicates the temperature. There are numbers and degree symbol that was engraved to the metal tag.

How do you read the temperature?

The metal tags in the cylinder actually have different weights. The bubbles were all hand-blown, so they are not with the same size and shape. But, to make sure that the thermometer works, each bubbles were inserted fluids so that they have the same density. The attached metal tags will make sure that the bubbles have slightly different density according to the weather surrounding the cylinder.

The main idea of the thermometer is that when the temperature outside the thermometer changes, so does the the temperature surrounding the bubbles. 

Even though this thermometer isn't a device that is advanced in technology, it is fun to learn something old-fashioned and fascinating like this. So, do try and look at this.

Have fun learning. ^.^

That is all from me.
Until next time.


  1. I think it was harder for them to make this than our conventional thermometer!

    I mean hand blown glass and well measured densities of fluid: this is art let alone science.

    I'd be cool to have one at home^^ Get, it "cool"? (I'm attempting a joke)

  2. assalamualaikum Mar ^^

    if I were to have this thermometer thingy, I will not bother about knowing the temperature because I would prefer to make it as an accessory :D

  3. hey, it does not look like thermometer at all. this can go along with some of other my cute stuffs. is this thermometer still available in shop? hehe


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