Sunday 11 November 2012

Busy bulb

Technology simplifies life. Yes it does. However, it does make us lazier. Ah, hate to admit it, but is very true indeed..... 

So one of the things I figured that make people lazy to get up is, when they need adjust the brightness of lights at home, or to turn them on or off. No worries ladies and gents, you don't need to get up from your glorious bed or gaming chair anymore, because here's a thing for ya, the Bluetooth Bulb

Here are the steps:

1)  Buy the Bluetooth bulb (of course) and screw in the bulb into the socket.

2)  Download the app to your devices. It uses bluetooth 4.0 and compatible with iPhone 4S, iPad 3, Samsung Galaxy S III, Droid RAZR, Mac Mini, or MacBook Air. One bulb can be controlled by multiple devices.

3)  Enjoy! What an easy life. Adjust the brightness according to your mood. And guess what, a special RGB bulb allows you to change the colour ambiance. Sweet.

You can watch the video below to find out more about this:


  1. wow..this is nice! i could simply turn on/off the lights without having to trouble myself getting up from it available in Malaysia's market?

    1. From what I've found, it is only available in the US market. It is kinda new so they're still experimenting it and waiting for users' feedback. However, if I do find that this bulb is available in Malaysia, I'll let you know! :)

  2. so, we can just control the light by using our phones? this is cool man!

    1. Yes :) So we don't have to leave our glorious bed don't we :p

  3. woaaaa.. our phone will be kinda like a remote, so we only have to buy the bulb, not the lamp? how much it costs really? :)


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